The Brother Knights are part of an international organization of over 1.8 million Catholic men whose principal work involves helping others in need. Locally, the Knights conduct weekly bingos and hold other fundraising events to help support the pro-life mission, needy individuals and various civic, charitable and religious organizations.
1. We initiated seven new members.
2. We donated $500 to the "Back to School" program with the Food Bank and provided the workforce to organize and distribute.
3. In the Fall of 2014, we collected about $4,000 for the Mentally Disabled Fund's Tootsie Roll Can Shake. These funds were distributed in April to public school special needs student programs.
4. At Christmas, we donated $100 per child for 30 underprivileged children to shop, with our help, at Walmart. This money, approximately $3,000, was paid from our Bingo Funds.
5. We celebrated Corporate Communion twice.
6. We sponsored the Fourth Annual Prayer Breakfast in May.
7. We are the Lead Council for the Northshore Knights of Columbus Choir. We performed at the 2014 and 2015 Prayer Breakfasts, sang at two local churches, and the Christmas Program at Koop Drive.
8. We sponsored four high school juniors to attend Camp Joshua for Pro-Life Education.
9. We collected more than $7,000 in our Baby Bottle Drive for Northlake Crisis Pregnancy Center.
10. We awarded a $250 Catholic Youth Leadership Award to two high school seniors.
11. For the Food for Families Food Drive, we collected 4,000 pounds of non-perishable food for the Covington Food Bank.
12. We contributed $500 to St. Benedict's Wednesday Food Ministry.
13. We participated in the Knight's Soccer Challenge.
14. We participated in the Right to Life March in Baton Rouge.
15. We participated in the Knights State Bowling Tournament.
16. We celebrated a memorial mass for deceased members in November.
17. We provided scholarships to seminarians at St. Benedict.