Even when everything goes well, bringing home a new baby is difficult. Between the physical exhaustion, emotional stress, and sleep deprivation, parents can often feel overwhelmed. That’s where our church family can come in. Wouldn’t it be great if we could deliver meals to families of new babies during the difficult newborn baby phase. Any parishioner parents are eligible, including birth parents, foster parents, and adopting parents of an infant (under 1-year-old) and this applies to all children (first, second, third…etc.). Volunteers are needed to help us start our New Baby Meal Ministry. We will have a sign-up genius sent out to our volunteer list every time a new baby is born in the parish. Volunteers can sign up for a night to cook/order and deliver a meal to the family. Our goal is to have a meal sent to the family for every other night for 2 weeks so they can enjoy their time with their new baby without needing to worry about dinner. If you are interested in signing up as a volunteer or have any questions, please contact: Debra Dwight at 985-966-0437 or DebraDwight07@gmail.com