Our new Bulletin will begin the first weekend of April. We will begin to publish a prayer list for those who are homebound and sick in the parish. If you know of a parishioner who is sick and/or homebound and would like to be placed on the list, please call the office.
Congratulations to Betty Lemoine and Richard Thomas who have been selected to receive the Order of St. Louis IX Award. The award was established in 1975 to honor those members of the laity who have contributed their time and talents to the church. Archbishop Aymond will confer this honor on them at a special ceremony in New Orleans on May 19th.
Registration for the 2019-2020 Religious Education School Year has begun. The fee per student in grades 1-6 will be $40 for the school year, and the fee per student in grades 7-10 will be $45 for the school year. Parishioners will be capped at $100 per family per year. Please be mindful that at these rates St. Benedict Parish still subsidizes approximately $45 per each student in the PSR program, and that our fees are on the lower end of the scale of fees charged by other parishes in our deanery. If anyone is incapable of covering the cost of religious education, please see Father Charles— fees should never be a hindrance for children receiving religious education.
We would like to congratulate Jeremy Surkand as the recipient of this year’s Altar Server Award. In addition to the recognition from our Parish and our Knights of Columbus Council, we have submitted Jeremy's name as our parish's Serra Club Award recipient. A heartfelt thank you goes to Jeremy and his family for enriching our parish with their witness to Christ by their family's faith and service.