Beginning on the Feast of the Baptism Our Lord, January 10, 2021, the local Catholic Church has entered into the Year of the Eucharist, a time of renewal, healing, and communion. This year is dedicated to helping all of us, clergy, religious, and laity, grow in our relationship with Christ. We begin this important year on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord because baptism marks the beginning of our initiation into Jesus Christ, a lifelong journey toward union with Christ and one another. The Eucharist is communion with God. Christ nourishes us with his very Body and Blood so that we can be joined more closely to him and to all humanity. Throughout this year, we will join with Catholics around the world to call upon the prayers and patronage of St. Joseph to help us more fully understand the meaning of the parts of the Mass, the theology of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and the obligation we have as Catholics to participate in Mass on Sunday. As the universal church observes a special Year of St. Joseph as proclaimed by the Holy Father, we in the Archdiocese of New Orleans call upon St. Joseph’s powerful intercession to bring us closer to Jesus in the Eucharist.
Envelopes and Calendars are available before and after all Masses in the Catechetical Center. We encourage all parishioners to make use of the offering envelopes in support of the parish. If you have not asked for envelopes in the past and wish to receive them. Please sign the clipboard in the Catechetical Center or contact Channon in the parish office at 985-892-5202.
We are pleased to announce that the Archdiocese of New Orleans will host an annual wedding anniversary celebration for those couples who have been married for 25 years. The 2021 Silver Anniversary celebration will take place on Sunday, March 14, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. at St Joseph Church in New Orleans. This event is only for couples married in the year 1996 in celebration of their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Please Note: This celebration will not be a Mass, but a prayer service. Attendance of Mass for Sunday obligation will have to be met within one’s respective parish. (To register, please contact the parish office before January 15, 2021)
Contribution statements will be mailed this week to anyone who made a financial contribution during 2020. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT! If you should see any discrepancies with your statement, please call the parish office at 985- 892-5202.
Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas liturgies beautiful and inspiring. From the music ministry to the ushers, deacons to the lectors, and everyone else who assisted, your commitment to the liturgy and the liturgical environment is very much appreciated. Thanks also to the members of the Altar Society and Men’s Club who helped decorate the Church. In a special way, we would like to thank Betty Lemoine who coordinated the poinsettias and who coordinates the flowers on the altar every week of the year. THANK YOU!
Envelopes and Calendars are available before and after all Masses in the Catechetical Center. We encourage all parishioners to make use of the offering envelopes in support of the parish. If you have not asked for envelopes in the past and wish to receive them. Please sign the clipboard in the Catechetical Center or contact Channon in the parish office at 985-892-5202.
THANK YOU to all the parishioners who gave so generously to the families on our angel tree. This year we brought joy to 150 angels. St. Benedict Church has helped families through St. Tammany Project Christmas, Fairhaven Orphanage, our own St. Benedict’s parish, and Home-bound individuals through our Lunch Ministry. Thank you again for making Christmas so wonderful for those in need.
Bring the infant Jesus (bambinelli as they are called in Rome) from your family's nativity scene for a special blessing on December 12th and 13th. Please place your bambinelli in front of the altar before Mass. Buon Natale!