Following the Prayers of the Faithful each week, the collection begins and then all that is collected along with the bread and wine are brought forward to the altar. This is a prayer – it is an incredibly significant part of the Mass and one that calls for the full, conscious, and active participation of the assembly. This is the time when we prayerfully gather up all our gifts – our sacrifices from the week, our monetary contributions, our pains, our joys, and our thanksgivings – and we present these along with the central gifts of bread and wine. The bread and wine are central for they are what Jesus offered at the Last Supper and asked us to continue to do in memory of Him. In connecting our gifts (our very lives!) to the gifts of bread and wine which will be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, we, too, seek to have our lives (with our joys and pains) transformed and offered wholly to God. So each week when we come to Mass, we cannot come unprepared or empty-handed. We must bring our whole selves which we truly place on the altar of our Lord! We bring all that we are – even when that might not seem to be enough – and we trust that as the Lord joins our offering to His own, that we will be acceptable to God and transformed by his life-giving Body and Blood.
The 2022 Mass Intention book will open on Monday, August 2nd for the upcoming calendar year. Until November 1st we will accept no more than 12 weekday (single intention) requests from a household for the upcoming year (unlimited requests for Sunday or Saturday Masses will be accepted). After November 1 , all intentions will be accepted until the schedule is full. Mass requests will be honored on a first-come, first- serve basis in the office. No Mass request will be taken over the telephone. Mass requests must be made in person in the parish office, mailed to the office, or put into an enveloped and placed in the collection. Forms for requesting a Mass can be obtained from the parish office, in the back of the church, or online on the parish website.
A second collection will be taken up next weekend for the Black and Indian Mission Office. The Black and Indian Mission Collection exists to help local African American and Native American Diocesan Communities throughout the United States spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and respond to real and pressing needs on the ground.
Join us on Saturday, July 10th for a catered reception in celebration of the Solemnity of St. Benedict! The festivities will begin after 5:30 pm Mass in the Catechetical Center. See you there!