The summer is here and so are vacations, if you haven’t already noticed our annual decrease in Mass attendance during June and July. We hope you are enjoying a change of pace and some time away. If you are vacationing, please remember two things: first, we do not take a vacation from God. Please check out for a list of churches in the areas you are visiting and their Mass times. Secondly, the needs of the parish and those seeking social assistance do not take a holiday in June through August. In fact, many times we received more requests for financial assistance during the summer months. Our ability as a church to pay our own bills and help those facing the loss of electricity or water due to their inability to pay, or to help one of our parishioners facing a financial crisis, depends on the continued generosity of our congregation. Please don’t forget your offering to St. Benedict’s this summer when you are traveling or away for vacation. The safest and most secure way to make contributions to St. Benedict’s, however, is to use our online giving, which can be accessed at:
The Lunch Ministry will be preparing a pasta salad with fresh vegetables and fruit on Wednesday, June 29th. Please bring any extra vegetables or fruit that you can spare to the Catechetical Center by Tuesday, June 28th. Thank you for your continued generosity!
We are currently registering families for our Family Faith Formation 2022-2023 school year. Please return your registration form and payment before the registration deadline of this weekend, June 12th. If you have a second grader (First Communion) or tenth grader (Confirmation) your child needs to complete sacramental preparation through the Parish. Please feel free to contact Corina if you have any questions at Registration forms are available in the back of the Church.
You will find a book in the back of the church to enroll your loved ones (living or deceased) in the Masses on Father’s Day weekend, June 18/19. This is an excellent way to remember your loved ones on this special day.
As Christians faithful to the teaching to the Church and the Gospel of Life, we have an obligation not only to pray for the overturning of Roe-v-Wade and an end to abortion, but also pray for all pregnant mothers. Please remember all pregnant women in your prayers.