This year our parish-wide Christmas Party will be held on February 2nd the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. (The party will begin at 6 p.m. Not only will we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at the party, but we will also honor all of the consecrated women and men (nuns, sisters, brothers, and priests) who live in St. Benedict Parish.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans has scheduled a second collection to help support Catholic Schools. The collection will take place on January 28/29, the kickoff of Catholic Schools Week. This collection supports the Champions of Catholic Education fund, which is dedicated to helping more families afford the cost of a Catholic Education
Offering envelopes are now mailed to your home every other month. If you are not currently receiving envelopes and would like to (or if you have yet to receive your 2023 envelopes), please contact the Parish Office (892-5202). Please consider utilizing our parish’s online giving program, which is the safest and most convenient way to support the parish financially. The link and QR code can be found in the “Stewardship” post.