Even when everything goes well, bringing home a new baby is difficult. Between the physical exhaustion, emotional stress, and sleep deprivation, parents can often feel overwhelmed. That’s where our church family can come in. Wouldn’t it be great if you would allow us to deliver meals to your family as you bring your newborn home? Any parishioner parents are eligible, including birth parents, foster parents, and adopting parents of an infant (under 1- year-old) and this applies to all children (the first, second, third…etc.). If you are expecting a new baby or infant, please contact Debra Dwight before your baby is born at 985-966-0437 or DebraDwight07@gmail.com so that we can prepare to be of assistance once your new baby arrives and you bring him/her home.
St. Benedict Youth Retreat Saturday April 22nd 2023 8am-7pm This is an annual youth group retreat. It is filled with prayer, adoration, and spiritual guidance. We get to listen to many testimonies that draw us closer to the Lord and deepen our faith. This retreat is open to 8th grade- high schoolers with the exception of some 7th graders. The cost will be $35 and will be held at the Camp Abbey retreat center. There will be adults and young adults to guide the younger ones. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT: COACH BOBBY THOMAS: (985)373-5198 HANNAH BOUDREAUX: (504)481-4213 TRINA HEAP: (985)807-4038
The Men’s Club will be hosting a parish grounds work party on Saturday, April 22nd starting at 8:00 a.m. and ending at lunch with boiled crawfish. We are inviting all parishioners (regardless of age or gender) to come and help with a variety of cleanup activities. This will be a great opportunity to meet new friends and renew earlier acquaintances; but more importantly, it will be a time to spruce up St. Benedict’s. Please call (985) - 892 - 5202 or email office@stbencov.or the office if you plan to help so we can have a number for the crawfish.
Karleen Pilet has decided to pursue a new adventure after being our parish custodian. While happy for her new future, we are very sad to see her go. The parish now has an opening for custodian for the church, catechetical center, and rectory. This is a part-time job, with negotiable hours. If interested, please call Channon in the parish office (985-892-5202).
The second collection on Easter is to help us cover our assessment for the salaries and benefits of those priests working in the seminaries, hospital chaplaincies, nursing homes, and high schools. Please be generous.