YOU ARE INVITED to Our Parish Christmas Party Friday, February 2 6:00 p.m. February 2nd is also the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. At the party we will also honor the various vowed religious who live in our parish, and in a special way, welcome the “new” Marianite sisters who will be moving into our parish.
Congratulations to Rosemary DeLaune for being selected to receive the Order of Saint Louis Award this year. The Order of St. Louis IX award was established in 1975 to honor those laypersons who have made an extraordinary contribution of their time and talents to local churches in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Since its establishment, more than 10,000 individuals have received the medallion for their Christ-like service. Archbishop Aymond will confer the award on Rosemary on Sunday, March 3rd.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans has scheduled a second collection to help support Catholic Schools. The collection will take place on January 27/28, the kickoff of Catholic Schools Week. This collection supports the Champions of Catholic Education fund, which is dedicated to helping more families afford the cost of a Catholic Education
Our Parish Christmas Party will be held on Friday, February 2, 2024, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day or “Little Christmas”
The Lunch Ministry collected enough items for numerous Christmas Baskets. Baskets were delivered and greatly appreciated by all who received them. THANK YOU for your support.
Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas liturgies beautiful and inspiring. From the music ministry to the ushers, deacons to the lectors, and everyone else who assisted, your commitment to the liturgy is very much appreciated. Thanks also to the members of the Altar Society and Men’s Club who helped decorate the Church. In a special way, we would like to thank Betty Lemoine who coordinated the poinsettias and who coordinates the flowers on the altar every week of the year.