The St. Benedict Ladies Altar Society is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, September 21st. All dinners will include spaghetti, meatballs, green beans, and garlic bread. Tickets will be on sale after all Masses the weekends of September 7th and 8th as well as September 14th and 15th.
This Thursday, August 15th is the Solemnity of the
Assumption of Mary and it is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Holy Days of Obligation are like Sundays in that
Catholics must attend Mass, and if possible, refrain
from unnecessary servile work. We will have a Vigil
Mass on Wednesday, August 14th at 7 p.m. and a
morning Mass on Thursday, August 15th at 8:00 a.m.
The parish office will be closed on Thursday, August