Our annual Baby Bottle Campaign will be held on the
weekend of January 18/19 to benefit the Northlake
Crisis Pregnancy Center, a Christian ministry
dedicated to helping moms and dads in crisis by:
• sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ
• upholding the sanctity of human life
• providing material and emotional support
beyond pregnancy
• promoting sexual purity through education
and self-worth
• offering compassion to those who have
abortion in their past.
Please help us to support and promote human life
from the moment of conception!
The Archdiocesan Silver Wedding Anniversary
Celebration will be held on Sunday, February 16, 2025,
3:00 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in
New Orleans. To register, please contact the parish office
by Friday, January 17, 2025.
Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas
liturgies beautiful and inspiring. From the
music ministry to the ushers, deacons to the
lectors, and everyone else who assisted, your
commitment to the liturgy is very much
appreciated. Thanks also to the members of the
Altar Society and Men’s Club who helped
decorate the Church, and the Knights of
Columbus who helped sponsor the books that
were given out as gifts.