The St. Benedict Ladies Altar Society is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, September 21st. All dinners will include spaghetti, meatballs, green beans, and garlic bread. Tickets will be on sale after all Masses the weekends of September 7th and 8th as well as September 14th and 15th.
This Thursday, August 15th is the Solemnity of the
Assumption of Mary and it is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Holy Days of Obligation are like Sundays in that
Catholics must attend Mass, and if possible, refrain
from unnecessary servile work. We will have a Vigil
Mass on Wednesday, August 14th at 7 p.m. and a
morning Mass on Thursday, August 15th at 8:00 a.m.
The parish office will be closed on Thursday, August
Fr. Justin Arockiasamy SVD will be here next weekend to
celebrate Masses and to speak about the many ministries of
his religious community, Divine Word Missionaries. They
are an international religious community of missionary
priests and Brothers serving in 79 countries helping to build
chapels, celebrate the sacraments and spread the Word of
God in remote mission communities.
Please be generous with your prayers and contribute to the
second collection to help support the missionary work of the
Divine Word Missionaries. To meet some of the people
Divine Word Missionaries help, please read the stories at
The 2025 Mass Intention book will open on Thursday,
August 1st for the upcoming calendar year. Until
November 1st we will accept no more than 12 weekday
(single intention) requests from a household for the
upcoming year (unlimited requests for Sunday or Saturday
Masses will be accepted). After November 1st, all
intentions will be accepted until the schedule is full. Mass
requests will be honored on a first-come, first-serve basis
in the office. No Mass request will be taken over the
telephone. Mass requests must be made in person in the
parish office, mailed to the office, or put into an enveloped
and placed in the collection. Forms for requesting a Mass
can be obtained from the parish office, in the back of the
church, or online on the parish website.
NEXT WEEKEND we will celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Benedict at all Masses. Please join us in the Catechetical Center next Saturday, July 13th, for our annual Potluck Party after the 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass.
Even when everything goes well, bringing home a new baby is difficult. Between the physical exhaustion, emotional stress, and sleep deprivation, parents can often feel overwhelmed. That’s where our church family can come in. Wouldn’t it be great if you would allow us to deliver meals to your family as you bring your newborn home? Any parishioner parents are eligible, including birth parents, foster parents, and adopting parents of an infant (under 1-year-old) and this applies to all children (the first, second, third…etc.). If you are expecting a new baby or infant, please contact Debra Dwight before your baby is born at 985-966- 0437 or so that we can prepare to be of assistance once your new baby arrives and you bring him/her home.
Support for such papal efforts is rooted in the scriptural message exhorting us to take care of the poor, and it expresses unity with the Holy Father in two ways: through the ongoing activities of the Holy See and through the charitable works of the Holy Father on behalf of those most in need. Give generously to this collection as a sign of mercy to those who suffer around the globe and of your support for the ongoing work of the Holy See. By doing so, you help build up the Church so that it can minister to all for generations to come.
The Lunch Ministry will be preparing a pasta salad with fresh vegetables and fruit on Wednesday, June 26th. Please bring any extra vegetables or fruit that you can spare to the Catechetical Center by Tuesday, June 25th. Thank you for your generosity.
You will find a book in the back of the church to enroll your loved ones (living or deceased) in the Masses on Father’s Day weekend, June 15/16. This is an excellent way to remember your loved ones on this special day.
The Grief Support Group welcomes anyone who may be looking for comfort and support after losing a loved one or a relationship; wanting to learn ways to cope and deal with the grief in their life; and searching to see where God is in their situation. The Grief Support Group will meet every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm in the Parish Center. Two of our Marianite sisters, Sister Kateri Battaglia and Sister Elvira Brown, will facilitate these meetings. Prayerfully consider accepting this invitation to connect with others who are walking that same journey from grief to healing, to acceptance, to transformation.
The summer is here and so are vacations, if you haven’t already noticed our annual decrease in Mass attendance during June and July. We hope you are enjoying a change of pace and some time away. If you are vacationing, please remember two things. First, we do not take a vacation from God. Please check out for a list of churches in the areas you are visiting and their Mass times. Secondly, the needs of the parish and those seeking social assistance do not take a holiday in June through August. In fact, many times we received more requests for financial assistance during the summer months. Our ability as a church to pay our own bills and help those facing the loss of electricity or water due to their inability to pay, or to help one of our parishioners facing a financial crisis, depends on the continued generosity of our congregation. Please don’t forget your offering to St. Benedict’s this summer when you are traveling or away for vacation. The safest and most secure way to make contributions to St. Benedict’s, however, is to use our online giving, which can be accessed at:
We are in the process of reconstituting the Pastoral Council. Please prayerfully consider serving your fellow parishioners. If you are willing to serve, please contact Fr. Charles
We are currently registering families for our Family Faith Formation 2024-2025 school year. Please return your registration form and payment before the registration deadline of June 10th. If you have a second grader (First Communion) or tenth grader (Confirmation) your child needs to complete sacramental preparation through the Parish. Please feel free to contact Corina if you have any questions or in need of a registration form at
The southern arm of the Pilgrimage will depart from the tip of Texas in Brownsville on May 19th and wind around the Gulf of Mexico—an area chosen for its deep Catholic roots. It will arrive in New Orleans on Friday, June 7th. At 6:30 p.m. on June 7th there will be a public Eucharistic Procession from the steps of Notre Dame Seminary and proceeding to St. Rita's Church on Lowerline Street. The procession will be followed by a time of Eucharistic Adoration with music provided by the Vigil Project and a reflection by one of the perpetual pilgrims. On Sunday, June 9th, there will be large Mass at St. Louis Cathedral at 9 a.m. followed by a Eucharistic Procession around Jackson square. Anyone who meets up with the Pilgrimage at any time along the route is considered to be part of the greater Eucharistic Caravan and will have the ability to receive a plenary indulgence for partiicpation in the pilgrimage. Every Catholic in America is invited and encouraged to be a part of the Pilgrimage in this way!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Northshore Food Bank. St. Benedict Catholic Church collected 1,176 pounds of food for local residences in need.
You will find a book in the back of the church to enroll your mother, godmother, and grandmothers (living or deceased) to be remembered at Masses on Mother’s Day weekend, May 11/12. This is an excellent way to remember your loved ones on this special day.
We are in the process of reconstituting the Pastoral Council. Please prayerfully consider serving your fellow parishioners. If you are willing to serve, please contact Fr. Charles.